92. Stop the Hustle!! How slowing down and spending time with Jesus will help you conquer your daily goals!


Do you ever feel like you are constantly hustling…as a wife, mom, in service to your church maybe or at your work or in your home? Exhausted from the constant busyness or life and carpool? Well today I’m going to encourage you to stop the hustle and slow down. To breath in the goodness of God. To TAKE TIME out of the busy and be with Jesus….and in this you’ll find peace and MORE time for all you need to do!! Is this possible?? YES!

When we are intentional about our Jesus time we...
1) Change our perspective
2)Can pour from a full cup
3) Get more done!!!

I’m going to be doing a LIVE workshop in a few weeks. Giving you tips and tricks on how to thrive as a wife and mom! Doesn’t it feel like your just surviving sometimes?? That is NOT God’s will for your life! There are easy steps to take to start moving you in a more healthy and thriving life!! If this is something you are interested in come join in the FB group(that is where this will be held) AND get on my email list! I’ll be sending out reminders and more details there as well! You can go to thekingdomdaughters.com and click on one of the my free resources and you’ll be in!!

Thanks for being here!! Have an amazing day and week!


93. Let's talk about Love!- Faith Bomb Friday- Fruit of the Spirit Series.


91. Let's talk about Fruit of the Spirit!!- Faith Bomb Friday- Encouragement for Christian Wives and Mamas!