193. Being more FREE in 2023- Closing out the year with excellence! Week 1- 4 Ways to Keep Your Sanity and Peace as Christian Woman!
Last week we talked about finding joy in this crazy season and today I want to talk about keeping our sanity and closing out the year strong! It’s so important for us to be reminded how we need to take care of ourselves. We can burn out so quickly if we arent paying attention to our self care! And when I say self care I dont’ mean going to get pedis or massages(althought those are nice) I’m talking about really taking care of ourselves so we can be the best version of our selves and show up well for our families and God!
We always tell our kids- who are we representing and the answer is God, our family and ourselves. We want to represent those things well and we can only do that IF we take cafe of ourselves by doin these few things on the regular!
Get outside- especially when it’s sunny! We need the vitamin D
Exercise- Go for a walk, lift some weights, get your heart rate up. So health benefits for moving our bodies.
Also, side note not just working out but actually moving throughout the day. I’ve learned I need to set timers otherwise I can end up sitting and working for hours without moving- sometimes the only thing that reminds me to get up is when I have to pee hahaha And usualy i’m annoyed i have to stop doing what I’m doing…mostly cause I dont’ wnat to lose my train of thought…which happens so frequently these days!- getting older lol
Speak affirmations- speaking truth over ourselves is so important! Use scripture to help you with this! Remember I have an affirmation journal available with my christian woman digital bundle! Check out the link in shownotes or go to my IG….
PRAY and SPEND TIME WITH JESUS- talk about this alot so I wont’ go into too much depth…but the BEST way to take care of ourselves is to prioritize time with Jesus. Period.
Receive the grace that Jesus offers and forgive yourself.
Nothing is perfect. Nothing WILL be perfect. Let go of those unnecessary expectations!
If we let go of those expectations we are less likely to lose it when it doesn’t go the way you planned!
BUT if you end up losing it alittle(cause let’s be honest it’s bound to happen lol) then remember that you can walk in the grace that Jesus offers. Bring your crazy to Him, ask for forgiveness and walk in freedom. Oh and if you accept HIS forgiveness then you need to forgive yourself as well :) You aren’t made to do EVERYTHING right and perfectly!
Talk to people about Jesus with others/have community- no isolation!
There is something special about talking about jesus…share more on this!
Christian Woman Digital Bundle!!- https://stan.store/mrsangelapitnikoff/p/grab-the-awesome-digital-bundle
Be encouraged, challenged and blessed today!!
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Remember to get on a free call with me today! I want to help you get breakthrough so that you can feel more alive in your day to day! To help you feel more empowered, equipped and confident!! Check it out here>> thekingdomdaughters.com/coaching