170. Part 2 Getting into intentional rhythms- Worship and the Word
If you’ve been around awhile you know how much I love to connect to God through worship. I love praising Him and I love music. So it’s the perfect way for me to connect. I remember when I was doing counseling a few years ago the counselor asked what a favorite memory I had from growing up that made me feel like me. I can’t remember his exact question but it was around that lol The first thing that came to mind was me sitting in the living room next to the record player, just laying and listening to music and singing along. In that moment remembering back it was a place to feel refreshed, regenerated and peaceful just sitting and listening to music. I believe that God put that hunger for music in my heart at a young age.
It makes me think about how important music is to all of us though. Music sort of transports you. I can hear a song and it takes me to a certain memory or time in my life… have you ever experienced this?
I believe this is because we were created to worship. We were created to bring praise to God not only through our living but in songs!
My challenge for you is this, next time you are at church during the owrship time or at home listening to worship, don’t just sing along. Don’t just go through the ‘motions’ of singing and watching who is on the stage( and I don’t say this to judge…I have a hard time not doing this because all of the ‘stage’ stuff is interesting to me so I can easily be distracted by it sometimes!) I say this to encourage you to go deeper with God during your times of worship. Don’t let anything distract you from His presence. Ask Him how you can know Him more during those times and ask for Him to speak to you during those moments! He says ask and receive so go ahead and ask!! I know that you will begin to hear Him clearer and know Him more through this!
2) God's word
I can’t say this enough. Reading the Bible is so important for your growth, for relationship with God and literally for sustaining every day life.
I was telling my tribe girls the other day that it’s like getting hangry. If we don’t stay connected with Him we can get spiritually hangry and then we CANNOT walk in the goodness of God or the His power OR be used for His glory ie walking in His purposes.
I know that for me I am not a nice person when I’m hangry…and it can be pretty bad when I realize that I”m spiritually hangry lol
Reading our bible is our spiritual food. When you don’t eat you will get hungry. And when you are hungry you can’t move in the overflow.
Remember to get on a free call with me today! I want to help you get breakthrough so that you can feel more alive in your day to day! To help you feel more empowered, equipped and confident!! Check it out here>> thekingdomdaughters.com/coaching
Be encouraged, challenged and blessed today friend!!
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