168. Feeling a bit out of sorts in your day to day? Ways to get into intentional rhythms to help you find more joy today!-Part 1- Gratitude & Prayer
Do you ever feel like your day just gets away from you? Like you have all these great intentions for the day, things to accomplish and finish and yet you get to the end of the day and not much has been completed. Then if you are like me, you probably have to catch yourself from spiraling into toxic thoughts like I’m a bad mom, I’m a terrible wife, Why can’t I get anything done? I’m not contributing to our house at all. And this can go on and on right? No matter what you do you can’t seem to get into a rhythm or routine.
Today I want to encourage you on ways to get into some spiritual rhythms/disciplines that will help you see your day differently and walk through your day with peace and joy.
Today I talk about 2 things to get focused on this week!
1) Gratitude
2) Prayer
Something that is an easy way to keep you on track is remembering this acronym too- ACTS.
A- Adoration & praise, C- Confession & Repentance, T- Thanksgiving, S- Supplication- bring your requests to God.
Just an easy way to get your prayer life going!
Remember to get on a free call with me today! I want to hlep you get breakthrough so that you can feel more alive in your day to day! To help you feel more empowered, equipped and confident!! Check it out here>> thekingdomdaughters.com/coaching
Be encouraged, challenged and blessed today friend!!
If you are wanting more help in this area then let’s chat. I’m here to help you get unstuck. To get you out of bad mindsets and to give you tools to set yourself free from the hostile thoughts that are keeping you stranded! Go to thekingdomdaughters.com/coaching It’s time friend. If you’ve been here awhile you know that it’s time for the next step in growth so let’s do this!
Be encouraged, challenged and blessed today!!
You are invited to come join the KD membership! Come get actionable steps to help you grow in the areas that you are stuck with other like minded women who have been where you are and can walk this life out with you!